
 1. “Archipelago of dreams”

College of Arts ,New Delhi


the first men to be created and formed were called the Sorcerer of night, unkempt, and the Black Sorcerer…They were endowed with intelligence, they succeeded in knowing all that there is around and they contemplated in turn the arc of heaven and the round of face of earth…’ They know all……
What shall we do with them now?

-The Popol Vuh of the Quichè Maya

Archipelago of dreams” 2017 d.priyankabajaj

Archipelago of dreams” 2018 d.priyankabajaj

Archipelago of dreams” 2017 d.priyankabajaj

Archipelago of dreams” 2017 d.priyankabajaj

2. Siprit of Woods  leaving  the body of Dead  Tree

Shimla , India


In 2019 a  major deforestion took place in Shimla  to make  4 lane National Heighway 44  ,  this road devoured thousand and thousands of tall standing trees  and logs were piled up togerther as  the unwanted ‘dead bodies ‘……  this performance was immigeate reaction to this horrifing killig of the Woods.. and  I felt as if the Siprit of woods is leaving the dead bodies ,, as if next is  our turn…


 Eco art , Zero Gravity Collection , Italian Culture centre India.

siprit of woods leavinf the body of dead tree 2019

siprit of woods leavinf the body of dead tree 2019

siprit of woods leavinf the body of dead tree 2019

siprit of woods leavinf the body of dead tree 2019

 siprit of woods leavinf the body of dead tree 2019

 siprit of woods leavinf the body of dead tree 2019