Chapter 1 Seed of Consciousness


Book of Lainika , Type iv civilization    

chapter -Seed  of Consciousness  , page 0.1

water colour on paper ,2020

 d.priyanka bajaj

It is obvious that art cannot teach anyone anything,  since in four thousand years of humanity has learnt nothing at all . We should have become angles had we been capable of paying attention to the experience of art , Science  and allowing ourselves to be changed in accordance with the ideas it expresses .Art only has the capacity,  through shock and catharsis,  to make human soul receptive to good …..”

Andre tarkovsky


                                                                                                         Seed  of consciousness 2

  Book Of Lainika, Type iv civilisation

  Chapter:  Consciousness 

  page      :  0.2 

  Watercolour ,drawing and script  on paper,  100×70 cm


Both ancients and modern scientists  talk about waves of information —-

information – waves- storehouse of memories – traveling through out Quantum fields..   through out billions of years.. thus creating /resulting as collected body – person/ object.. quarks , strings, atoms information gives structure to physical structure.

“Consciousness is a carrier of information-  information is  nature of reality =  can we say consciousness is the true nature of reality


                                                                                         Seed of Consciousness – 4

  Book Of Lainika, Type iv civilisation

  Chapter:  Consciousness 

page      :  0.3

Watercolour ,drawing and script  on paper,  100×70 cm


The mind and the intellect is lit up by consciousness then is perception complete  to the senses down to the sensory level we say we can finally say I see, I hear,, I smell I taste, I understand, behind all of these there is this consciousness and  a not the body ,  it’s not the intellect but the consciousness which lights up the intellect and the mind and the senses through that body and the entire universe which is experienced so this consciousness is the self the autonomous and ever pervading


Book Of Lainika, Type iv civilisation

  Chapter:  Consciousness – How to tell if  I am sleep or awake 

page      :  0.5

Watercolour ,drawing and script  on paper,  100×70 cm



 Brain is responsible for the content of consciousness and there is ample evidence for a strong correlation between what goes on in the brain and what goes on in the mind but questions ‘ how can one  be sure that the brain is not responsible for experience itself .’ the mind or a mindlike aspect is a fundamental and ubiquitous feature of Reality. Can we say  that “the mind is a fundamental feature of the world which exists throughout the universe

How can  non Physical matters produce the physical world around Us ?


 Book Of Lainika, Type iv civilisation

  Chapter:  Consciousness – How to tell if  I am sleep or awake 

page      :  0.5

Watercolour ,drawing and script  on paper,  100×70 cm


We need  take conscious experience as a as primitive , as relative as a ,fundamental element of the world as gravity it self


Book Of Lainika, Type iv civilisation

  Chapter:  Consciousness – How to tell if  I am sleep or awake 

page      :  0.6

Watercolour ,drawing and script  on paper,  100×70 cm


‘matter produce non matter!!!

Does physical brain capable of producing a non physical … -consciousness’
