
1.) Red microbes iii of Lainika    | organic material , natural dye , wool   Gallery Art Centrix  Space 2020

D.Priyanka Bajaj

2.) Red Microbes  1  of lainika

Fabric , wool , mirror , watercolour. India Art fair  , collateral,  Zero Gravity collection .2018

‘Only life can give birth to life, theory of Panspermia _that life on the earth is originated from microorganisms presented in the outer space and transported here, from somewhere, from the universe and we are the imitation of those microbes only! The seed of our life featured in our DNA flow through cosmos containing the genetic instructions of metamorphosis of life of all the creatures on our planet.

3.) Descendants of Fallopian Tube   

Installation | metal, fabric, acrylic sheet, wool |Pune Biennale| young expressions |2017 |SIZE  variable

Fallopian tube is an organ inside the female body with astonishing structural quality.  Installation is the immediate response to it in the form of immersive, theatrical, macro size art stage where viewer will find himself or herself captivated with sound, light and movement of object that reminds them of grandiose ways of micro-nature. This installation pushes the idea by simplifying the structure on term of their physicality and purpose and creating them mechanics into the transcend form of art.   Fallopian tube which is visible only under the endoscope has been transferred into the macro -space, where the structure is being turbinated into out of proportion of reality. This imaginary space invites viewer to experience the interior of its own human physicality where he will find himself inside  his own body.

4.) Orgin of microbes,

Striped paper , mirror , wall drawings and water colours ,  Gallery Latitude 28,  New Delhi   , 2018

5.) First Script Of Forgotten Fables

Organic material , walldrawings and watercolour on paper   |  Gallery Shrine Empire 2018

Prameya Art Foundation- between lines curate by Anushka Rajenderan

I sit beside the fire and think
Of people long ago
And people that will see a world
That I shall never know
 But all the while I sit and think
Of times there were before

I listen for returning feet
And voices at the door”

― J.R.R. Tolkien


Library of Entropy  

Charcoal  , Acrylic Paint , found organic objects , hexagnol box | drawing on the wall and hexagnol box | 12 X  28  Feet | Kochi students biennale 2016 -17, INDIA ||

The core concept of this work was based upon the process of Entropy … Everything in the cosmos is bound to decay or moving towards its own entropy.  However, at the same time it also gives birth to new form of life.  We all are carrying the dust of the stars inside us, died millions of year ago, it just chances its form but reality of existence remains the same –   Transformation of microorganisms into visible\non-visible elements, preserved in different realm of Time and Space.

‘Library of Entropy’ is the result of many-many drawing studies, which I did in the past few years.  As a habitual drawing practitioner, I observe the structures of found objects, example- dry died roots, leaves, termite   eaten wood, beehives etc and later transform those observations into large-scale drawings.

  I begin my drawings from the ‘spinal cord’ of any object (which could also be defined as the Strings inside the quarks) and morphed them into hybrid forms.  Working around these strings , forms gradually  build  themselves  into unclassifed imaginary  entities  which has their independent physical existence disregarding of legal  function. Following the dictation of line itself  I  biult the frame work of  interepretation  of reality and imagination .

Playing with the light and  drakeness , shadows have important place in the work , giving  the third dimension to it.

7.) Descendants of Fallopian Tube   

Installation | metal, fabric, acrylic sheet, wool |Pune Biennale| young expressions |2017 |SIZE  variable

Fallopian tube is an organ inside the female body with astonishing structural quality.  Installation is the immediate response to it in the form of immersive, theatrical, macro size art stage where viewer will find himself or herself captivated with sound, light and movement of object that reminds them of grandiose ways of micro-nature. This installation pushes the idea by simplifying the structure on term of their physicality and purpose and creating them mechanics into the transcend form of art.   Fallopian tube which is visible only under the endoscope has been transferred into the macro -space, where the structure is being turbinated into out of proportion of reality. This imaginary space invites viewer to experience the interior of its own human physicality where he will find himself inside  his own body.

8.) Hyper -Reality of Parallel Universe

Installation | organic objects , 500 clay skulls | sound – humpback whale| Gallery – Latitude 28| 2016 |SIZE  VARIABLE

Atoms can be at two places at the same time!  This bizarre proven truth of quantum mechanics is hypnotizing enough to spark the imagination.

Universe is made up of atoms, so are we!  And everything we see around us is created by this invisibles material.  If this theory is to be believed , then it is telling us to believe that there is one or more universes out there and there are more of you and me in those universes.  This thought can be as real as it feels like fiction,

I invite the viewer to enter into brilliant theatre of strange , poetic and previously undiscovered reality of juxtaposition that take the motif of metamorphosing  the elements of nature into philosophical thought and visual means.    This project explores the hibernated relation of reality and imagined and I leave it on the viewer to decide what their faiths tell them to believe.  I have created a domain for them to enter into a realm between myths and real, thought to meditate upon the reality of existence.

Organic objects hanging from the ceiling and sprouting from the ground indicates deserted aliened planet of, may be, some forgotten time which still have the trace of human existence or it may be us In the moment of Planck scale.

Sound: Song of the Humpback whale

Humpback whale is one of most ancient living creature on this planet and its songs echo the ages of bygone eras, and resonates the sad, deep, melancholy call of forgotten soul trapped inside the web of myths. Visitor standing inside the installation can feel the transportation from one realm to another … this transporting from one world to another is the possibility of hyper- reality of our parallel universe! 

9.) Symboles of stimulated reality , piramal art residency ,Mumbai 2017   |   Making of cryptography of Lainika… Material : Earth

10.) Notes From The Ocean

Mumbai,2015  ,|150 hand painted wood |.d.priyankabajaj

Ocean buries the secretes of universe deep into its depths.  fascinated by this poetic thought i

wonder can I resonates with its  ancient songs , calling out to those who will listen like an old

fog horn. I wonder will it whisper to me!

11.) COSMIC WEB OF OUR LIVES | river stones and red wool | size variable.

D.Priyanka Bajaj

We all are connected with eachother  through the cosmic web 



12.) DNA Structure of the residents of Lainika, 2017

Kirigami, projector , paper  tube

Size – 5 feet

13.) Stalactite and Stalagmite  |10x 14 feet 2014  | burnt paper script ,  mirror  and aluminium frame

d.priyanka bajaj

14.) sunflower pollen

paper sculpture 5×7 feet , 2017, d.priyanka bajaj

15.) kirigami paper sculpture 2017    |  making shadow with light , 2018


16.) Chronicles Of Microbes |  print on arcival paper |  2015

D.Priyankabajaj 2015

Is reality real or are we living in the simulative reality of a very complex illusion of hypothetical universe….Chronicles of microbes are the set of prints and paper sculpture of mundane objects like tea pot, damp wall, fruit plate or even dough . These are Non-Photoshop prints of daily objects with a little change of perspective and colour contrast. The strange result shows that we are living in the matrix of reality and if we uncover the superficial layer of any object ,it will reveal the fabrication of cosmos itself.